Swains and Hollingsworths
Reviewing some past posts that I never published brought me back to this source. With new eyes I'm reading this website about Samuel Hollingsworth and realizing that there is a lot here that is of interest. This site is dedicated to the history of Samuel Hollingsworth. http://www.sadiesparks.com/samuelhollingsworth.htm According to this website, Samuel Hollingsworth was a quaker (Clue #1) and lived in Randolph, NC, Guilford, NC, and later appears in Franklin, GA (Clue #2 & 3). He and William Swain would be in Franklin, GA at the same time. Both Samuel Hollingsworth and his brother Jacob were Quakers in NC but became Baptists (Clue #4) after moving to GA. These Hollingsworths were also of Irish Descent (Clue #5). Obviously, this site tells us a lot about the Hollingsworths and not much about the Swains, but there is a trail to follow to see whether there are Swains along the way that traveled with them from Ireland to the new country. I've found Swains in the counties of ...